
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quote of the Moment

Twelve Steps to Get Shit Done

1. Don’t let shit wear you down. Sometimes, life is a bitch. And that’s okay. Be resilient. Be courageous. Be the solution person, not the problem person. If you don’t manage your situation, it will manage you. Life doesn’t get better, you do.

2. Don’t say shit you’ll regret. You know: empty promises, insults, lies, marriage proposals. That shit will come back to bite you. And besides, it makes you look like a dick.

3. Don’t start shit you won’t finish. Aren’t you tired of almost doing stuff? Either finish it or don’t start it. Talk less, intend less, promise less. Do more.

4. Stop doing the easy shit. If you’re serious about changing your reality, do what’s required. Not what’s easy. Stop looking for the quick-fix.

5. Get your own shit together before you start pointing the finger. Or better yet, keep your hands in your pockets.

6. Don’t pretend shit isn’t happening. If you’re five or younger, pretending is fine. Otherwise, not. Step into reality, Princess.

7. Give a shit about things that matter. Other than you, that is. Don’t just say you care, show it. Be compassionate, be proactive, be thoughtful, be aware, be the change.

8. Don’t ask shit questions. Some people ask questions (why does my life suck so much?) which indicate that they’re more interested in sympathy and pity than they are any kind of practical solution. Better questions produce better reactions, choices, behaviours and results. Smart people ask smart questions.

9. Stop looking for your identity in superficial shit. You are not a bank balance, a nose job, a pair of shoes, a brand or an opinion. Healthy self-esteem works from the inside-out, not the other way around. You’re good enough all by yourself.

10. Figure shit out for yourself. It’s great to learn from and to be influenced by other people (sometimes) but it’s not great to be determined by them. Ever. Be your own person, learn your own truth, think for yourself. Choose your own values, standards and rules. Being a clone of – or puppet for – somebody else is not being you at all.

11. Don’t complicate shit. More often than not, the change process is relatively simple. Not always easy, but simple. Eat less, move more, spend less, say sorry, listen more, get off the couch, do new things, stop giving up. It’s you and me that complicate the shit out of things.

12. Do some scary shit. Nothing is more empowering, liberating or confidence-building than facing your fears and doing what success demands. Being periodically fearful is normal. Healthy, even. Being controlled by fear is life-destroying.