Silas had the choice of many costumes, but ended up picking a favourite that was bought for Callum when he was about 4. Through the years it has been pick over and over again as the clear winner when it come to dress ups! Even the girls pick it for dress up days!
Silas with the teachers aid aka Sponge Bob or Sponge Bum as he used to call him :)
Silas with his best mate Josh. Silas often talks about Josh like hes a imaginary friend. Like 'Josh went fishing and said it was fun', or "Josh says we should do this or that', very cute and a bit weird! lol
Even some parents were brave enough to dress up, I love dressing up but don't fit into my little red riding hood costume atm lol! His teacher made a very nice bumble bee!
Braith wasn't too keen on Silas roaring like a crocodile, even though I kept telling Silas that crocs don't roar! lol! And Kadee who didn't want to dress up was a bit shy because a Dad who was dressed as a clown kept saying hello to her! :)
I just had to include this cute pic of 'Fang' our newest nickname for Braith due to his side teeth coming in before his front teeth!
Only a few more weeks then the year will be over!! Seriously how fast has the time flown!! :(
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