I luv this photo! How fun are my girls :) They are both very smart and are performing above their year level in school.
Aliya (6) is the crazy one :) Always full of energy, silly, loud, outrageous, and oh so loveable. She loves a cuddle and a smooch! Ali is in grade 1B this year and luv, luv, luvs to learn! She is the teachers pet :) I'm hoping she applies herself to learning and continues to do the best she can! Ali luvs to sing, she is always singing, so much that we have to shush her all the time!! Ali is patiently waiting until grade 3 so she can join the choir :)
Livia (9) is always keen to help :) She luvs joking around and has some mean 'Yo mumma jokes'. Another teachers pet. Liv is in grade 5C this year. She luvs to learn new things and is constantly being rewarded at school for her hard work. This term at school she is learning the flute, sings in junior choir, plays flute in junior band, is Music Captain for junior choir, has been nominated for an academic award for the term 1 and was anomalously nominated for Young Star Awards through the Quest Newspapers (to the someone at the school who nominated her - Thank you!)
But being girls they clash something fierce! I always wanted to have a sister growing up (I have 2 younger brothers, Trevor and Jason), but now I thank my lucky stars I didn't lol!!!! I can only imagine how it will be in a few years time when Kaydence (5mths) can add her 2 cents worth! OMG!! and 3 teenage daughters! *shudders!! Mike always jokes he'll be out fishing with the boys all the time hehehehe!!
Luv u my darling daughters!!! Mwah!!! oxoxoxox
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